
Write a 4 to 6 page argument paper.

Minimum Word Count: 1400

Maximum Word Count: 1900

Use a minimum of 5 sources:

2 must be print sources

2 must be primary sources


Margins: 1”

Font: 12-point Courier New or New Times Roman



Name, date, class section in upper left-hand corner of 1st page.

No cover sheets, please!


Using one of the techniques outlined in class and gleaned from the reading, write a 4 to 6 page argument paper. You will use reasoned argument to justify your position on your topic.

Your paper should:

*Identify the issue or issues

*Take a clear position

*Create a strong, refined thesis and central argument (SUBJECT + POSITION + REASONSx3)

*Use secondary and primary sources to support your argument

*Avoid asserting opinion without qualification

*Take time to both ‘tell’ the reader about your main points with definitions and analysis (you)

*Illustrate your points with data, evidence, and examples (sources)

*Use logical transitions to guide the reader from thesis to conclusion

Strive to write a paper that flows from sentence-to-sentence and paragraph-to-paragraph.